Sleep apnea is a condition that many do not realize they are suffering from. Many children are affected by this medical condition and their parents have no idea. Parents should look for certain symptoms of Sleep apnea in children and if these symptoms are present, an evaluation should be done. Dr. Ronald C. Perkins has been diagnosing sleep apnea in patients of all ages for many years. He can properly diagnose and treat this condition, giving your child the sleep he or she needs to feel rested and be healthy. With the proper treatment, sleep apnea symptoms can be completely alleviated.

Children with sleep apnea typically seem tired, more tired than simply play will cause. If your child seems like he or she never gets enough sleep, even after sleeping for several hours, or if he or she has dark circles under the eyes, snores loudly or exhibits other symptoms, it is imperative that you have an evaluation done. Left undiagnosed and untreated, sleep apnea can lead to more serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and many others. In order to ensure that your child enjoys good health, an evaluation for sleep apnea must be done.

Dr. Perkins treats sleep apnea in adults and children with a modified Sleep apnea dental appliance. This appliance has proven to be very successful with patients in the office. It will promote a better night’s sleep and ensure that symptoms are alleviated without the potentially harmful side effects of the original device used to treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is not a condition that you or your child has to live with. Dr. Perkins can properly diagnose the condition and if it is present, he can treat it effectively, giving you a more restful sleep and a healthier body overall.

If you feel that you, your child or another loved one may be suffering from sleep apnea, now is the time to see diagnosis. Living with this condition can be more than just a bit uncomfortable. Sleep apnea is a condition that can rob you of needed rest and take a toll on your general health. If you feel that your symptoms may be signs of this condition, now is the time to schedule your evaluation. Feel free to browse our website and read more about this condition and its treatment or contact us directly to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Ronald C. Perkins today.